Special Report: How to Find Your Style - by Elizabeth Danielle Lewis, Founder and CEO of Brand, Style & Bloom
Step 1: Reflect on the YOU you want to be
A lot of advice out there about finding your style starts with identifying your archetype (are you a romantic, are you more rock-and-roll, are you classically chic) or finding style inspiration from your favorite celebrities. While there is nothing wrong with this advice (heck, I have a fun style archetype quiz on my website!), your style is so much more than that. It reflects the YOU you want to be and is a tool to get you to your dream future. Why? Because our style not only affects how we feel about ourselves, but it also reflects how others see us. If your style reflects the future you want for yourself, then others, including our bosses, our mentors and our tribes can better understand our vision and can help us get there.
Therefore, I always encourage my clients to reflect on this question--what is the life of your dreams? Be specific. Think about what your personal life looks like. Where you want to live. What your dream career looks like. Find several images to reflect these ideas, using magazines or even Pinterest, and put them on posterboard or on a Pinterest board, that reflect this amazing life you want.
Step 2: Think of 3 words you need to reach this vision (or even just 1 will do)
Now that you have your dream life on paper, think of three qualities that you need to reach this vision. Is one quality bravery? Is another quality creativity? Is another one authenticity? These are just some examples. I usually advise three because that is long enough to be specific about what you need to reach your vision but short enough to remember. However, if three is too overwhelming, just think of one. One word is enough to be intentional about your vision AND your style.
Step 3: Edit Your Wardrobe
Set aside a couple of hours (I promise—it’s worth your time!) and with your word/words in mind, open your wardrobe and take stock of what you currently have. Piece by piece, look at each item of clothing and ask yourself if it reflects your words. If you’re not sure, try on the item and see how it makes you feel. If it doesn’t fit your words, it is time to donate that item or at the very least, store it somewhere out of your closet. I know it can be hard to part with things we have memories attached to, but if they do not match the life you want for yourself, why wear them?
Step 4 (optional): Shop with your 3 words (and measurements) in mind
After your wardrobe edit, you are likely to have some gaps. If you decide to shop (and I know a lot of us are shopping less to save money right now, which is perfectly okay!), filter all of your choices through your word/words. Consider the colors, the prints, and overall look of the items to help make your decision. Even if they are staple pieces, such as a great white shirt or a versatile blazer for those Zoom presentations, your words are a great filter to decide between one choice or another. Lastly, don’t forget to take your measurements, especially if you are shopping online. Whatever your words are, wearing clothes that flatter your specific shape is a good thing. Most e-commerce websites have size guides on their item pages so that you can buy the size that meets your measurements. This is a best practice since a size 10 for one item/retailer may be totally different at another.
My ALLY shoes, which I got because they fit my 3 words—“Fearless” “Artistic” and “Joyful”
My ALLY shoes, which I got because they fit my 3 words—“Fearless” “Artistic” and “Joyful”
Step 5: Wear what makes you feel good
Now is a great time to think about who we want to be, but if your life does not allow time for reflection right now, just remember to wear what makes you feel like the best, most confident version of yourself. There is so much that feels beyond our control at the moment, but we can control what we wear, and that really does impact our mood and outlook. I call this Style Wellness™, and I’ve written an ebook all about this concept and tips you can use, which you can download for free here.
If you have any additional questions about how to find your style, you can contact me here and we can set up some time to chat! I wish you all the best on your style journey.